Snaresbrook Lodge



Although a small Lodge we consider ourselves “to punch above our weight” in charitable activity and donations. As well as regularly supporting Masonic Charities, we have also, in recent years, supported Great Ormond Street Hospital together with several Children’s Hospices. It is probably true to say that the general public are not generally aware of the level of community support offered by London Freemasons in the nation’s capital. The most recent notable examples being the £2 million funding of the second Air Ambulance Helicopter for London and following the awful disaster at Grenfell Tower the acquisition, for the London Fire Brigade, of 2 Turntable Fire Appliances with a ladder height of 64 metres (equivalent to a height of 23 floors) at a cost of £2.5 million. We are proud to have supported both funding appeals.

To close 2021 London Freemasons also committed the sum of £330,00.00 towards the acquisition, by London Air Ambulance of a fleet of rapid response vehicles acquired to support its operational infrastructure.

Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master the VW Bro Richard Greenhill PGSwdB presents the Centenary Warrant to Snaresbrook Lodge Centenary Master Alan Cooper.


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